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Welcome to my blog ... the start of my journey!

By 01:58

Hey Everyone, Welcome to my blog!

This blog is here to help motivate and inspire myself and everyone else who wants to read this.

I have a love for fitness and food! I am currently on a journey to make myself the best version I can be of me! If  I can inspire just one person to improve their life by using this blog, then this blog has fulfilled a purpose.

To start of this blog I thought I would catch you up on my journey?

In 2015 I had my heart broken, I had gained weight during the relationship, I was unhappy, had no confidence, body conscious. I was just a mess. BUT I refused to live like that when the relationship ended, how do I expect people to like or love me when I don't love myself. I wanted a body to be proud of. Firstly I  started to change my eating, I did a fair bit of researching into different types of foods, I wanted to know what is good for my body and what is bad for it, I then started to go to the gym at work and exercise, I didn't know a lot about exercise so I was pretty much doing a lot of cardio and few floor exercises here and there. I became quite disheartened  as I wasn't seeing results. Luckily  enough my sister and mum both work at DW sports centre, at the time they were teaching a young lad to swim, his dad was a personal trainer. that's when it all started.

I plucked up the courage to message this personal trainer asking for costs, he replied with all the information and before I knew it I was booked in for my first session  and to be honest I was scared, I hate meeting new people, and being so body conscious and unconfident, i honestly wanted to bail on my first session with him. I dragged myself to our first training session, we spent about 30 minutes having a chat about my goals, what I wanted to achieve. he was so understanding and I loved his enthusiasm, it was contagious! I started to get excited, he believed I could transform myself.

Nearly a year later, Matt and myself are still training together weekly. I am nearly 4 stone lighter than I was in 2015 and finally starting to accept myself, starting to be happy in my own skin. I still have work to do on myself but i am enjoying the journey! I honestly don't think I would of made it this far without Matt, He seriously is the best thing that's happened to me in 2015! I wouldn't swap him for the world.

If you're looking to improve your life then go and do it! Stop doubting yourself. I always believe it is as hard as you make it, take a day at a time. meal prep. do your research. join a gym and get help from a personal trainer. I believe in you!

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